So, everyone wants to know how things are going now. I'm sorry that we haven't been very faithful in continuing to blog. I'm planning to do better now. :) I have just got my head above water enough to continue this blog. Thank you notes will follow shortly, I promise.
We are so happy to be home with our little boys. We are so blessed with our little family. I'm slowly but surely developing a routine, and our kitchen sink looks like much less of a disaster area now (although the laundry room does not!!)
Adoption is such a miracle. God put this little boy in our family, and so far, he seems to be fitting in well. He is a happy boy (many people notice this when we're out), and a giggler. He and Jonah are sleeping well together in the same room at night. Jonah loves to play with his little brother.
I hope that we can be worthy adoptive parents. So many things that we are responsible for. Can we do a good job of passing along his Chinese heritage? Is going to a Chinese church, celebrating Chinese holidays, and attending events with other adoptive Chinese kids enough? How can we celebrate his birth parents and answer his questions appropriately? Wow. What a challenge.
However, we are so very blessed to be in this position. How cool is it that there was a little boy on the other side of the world who needed a family and there was a family here who wanted a child just like him!!
Grady is doing well with his physical therapy which he is receiving through Early Intervention. He has gotten really well at crawling. Next blog, a picture of Grady in his "hip helpers" (to strengthen his hips) and pulling himself up (which he is also getting good at).
His first surgery is cleft lip closure and placement of ear tubes. That is scheduled for June 10.
I promise to keep up with blogging better!