Grady Guoyu wasn't crying, just looking around stunned and sweating up a storm. The kid had been dragged on a bus for a very long day!!
After they shed some layers, they let us hold him. I was definitely teary eyed at this point. Our guide, Yisha, was asking the questions that I had written to ask at this day, and she was writing down the answers in Chinese. There was also a Guardianship agreement that the orphanage director had brought for us to sign. It was crazy in there, and Cheryl was doing her very best to take pictures, and here are some of the best ones I could find today. Really, it's hard to get pictures of him and of us where we aren't blocked out by all the action in the background.
One thing about having the officials instead of the nannies bring him to us is that they were not able to give us very specific information about him. They told us that they call him Guo Yu and that he doesn't have a nickname. Since he doesn't really seem to respond to that name, we've been calling him Grady. (I know that I have a bad accent in Mandarin anyway!!) They didn't know what made him sad, happy, or scared specifically, just all the babies in general. It is disappointing to not know specifics but we do understand that the nannies are really busy. Yisha was surprised at the formula they made for him/ left the rest of the bag with us. She said that it is milk formula with sweetener but it is not for babies and does not contain vitamins and minerals that babies need. He seems fat, but not healthy fat, just chunky fat with no underlying muscle. So, we are giving him actual formula, and soon we will try to add rice cereal. I tried to give him a melt in your mouth Gerber star fruit flavored snack, but since he isn't used to being fed anything besides a bottle, he was not pleased. When we get back to the States, I'm sure that the pediatrician will have some ideas about how best to meet his nutritional needs.
He doesn't have any real muscle tone. It seems that he spends his days mostly propped up in his crib. If you hold him upright, he bends his knees up and doesn't attempt to stand or put his feet underneath him. He has good head control, and can sit by himself for short amounts of time, although he does occasionally get tired quickly. This morning, Jonah and I were playing with Grady on the floor, and he did attempt to go after toys that were a little far away from him. He can move a little but not with a traditional crawl. He doesn't babble or make many sounds. He does make some sounds with his lips, so I've been playing with him with those sounds. Really, I think that having better nutrition and more one on one interaction will help him catch up....and we will provide whatever else is needed to help him catch up developmentally.
Today was our first day as a family of four trying to get ready in the morning. Thank goodness Cheryl is here!! We had to meet in the lobby at 9. Cheryl and Jonah stayed back here. Jonah is tired of being fawned over, and taken pictures of (the life of a blond kid in China). He had a great time with Cheryl playing with trucks and trains and coloring in the hotel.
Ryan, Grady, and I went with our group to have our pictures taken for the adoption decree, and Grady's picture taken for his passport. After that, we went to the provincial office to sign paperwork and pay fees. Unfortunately, we were busy with that and didn't get many pictures. Here are the ones we got:
Also, if you are wondering why he still has his split pants on, the reason is that we had learned that you should try to minimize the changes at first and leave the clothes that he came in on for the first 24 hours. The sweater that he has on in this picture is the one that I sent him in the last care package which they brought him to us in.
Well, that is probably a big enough post for today!! While writing this entry and uploading the pictures, I was looking at how scared Grady looked at first. We have only had him for less than a day, but I think he is getting more comfortable with us. He does seem to like being held because he leans into us. He definitely likes having his face and his head stroked. We are so happy to finally be together and to be getting to know each other as a family. Tomorrow, I will post some pictures of the new brothers together.
Congratulations! Grady looks wonderful. You can see from the later pictures how he is becoming more comfortable with you, and we know that you are working hard to acclimate him. We know how busy this time is for you, and we appreciate your keeping us up-to-date.
What a beautiful little boy you have! Congratulations!
WOOHOO! He is really really a handsome little guy! So glad you have him and all is going well. :)
Katie: So happy for you guys! He looks great...and you will be amazed how fast he responds to good nutrition and a loving family! Can't wait to meet him in person!
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