Grady had his cleft palate closed today, and according to the surgeon, Dr. Morton, he did really well during surgery and they had a lot of success closing tissue and muscle just like they were hoping to! Hopefully it will stay closed and the recovery will go well.
Grady pretty much hates surgery. He pretty much hates doctors. Despite his lack of food this morning, he was happily playing while we were in the waiting room. He had no idea what was coming.
Then we got taken to the back, and the nurse dared to check his vitals.
Then he got put into a gown, and was waiting around in preop. He got a little cuddly by the end. All the trauma and lack of food apparently started getting to him.
Finally he fell asleep. This was before any anesthesia or sedative.
Then we talked to Dr. Morton and met the very nice anesthesiologist. Ryan had actually talked to her yesterday because Grady got cold symptoms and a low grade fever, and we were afraid that surgery would be postponed. Fortunately, this did not happen.
After a little more than three hours, we were able to go meet him in the recovery room.
A little bit of morphine and he fell asleep.
He has been a little mad about having the no nos on his arms (he loves putting his hands in his mouth), but generally he's been ok. His brother came to visit (Jonah always gets worried when Grady has surgery. He doesn't like his brother to be in pain). Here he is showing off the gingerbread man he got in preschool today for doing his homework.
He is home with his daddy right now, and I know that he is sleeping peacefully in his own bed. He spent the night at "his best friend Jackson's" house last night (he never says "Jackson" only "my best friend Jackson"), and although it was very fun, between that and the trauma of the day, I'm sure that he is happy to be home. His sweet brother is resting as well.
I'm proud of my little boys. Sorry that Ryan is in none of these pictures! He was here all day, but he was taking the pictures and not getting bodily fluids all over him. That was my job!
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and prayers. It's good to have another surgery under our belts!