The most exciting thing for me was the day that Grady started walking. It was Veteran's Day, November 11, 2008. Grady was in speech therapy and didn't want to do what the therapist wanted him to do (sign that it was his turn to play with the toys). So, what he did was stand up and walk away from her independently across the room. Now, I know that he was supposed to pay attention and do what she wanted, but I was absolutely so excited to see him WALKING INDEPENDENTLY!!!! After coming home at 18 months very weak and not able to sit independently, and months of physical therapy through early intervention, he could walk. :) Here is a video we got of that milestone in November.
Grady is 28 months old, and on his last physical therapy evaluation, he was at the 22-28 month level for his gross motor skills. He has finished physical therapy and will now be receiving different services through early intervention. Way to go, sweet boy!!
Another thing that happened was that we went to the courthouse in Brighton and completed Grady's validation of foreign adoption in Adams County, Colorado. I couldn't get good pictures outside the courtroom. Here is all we have.
Yeah, they're not great, but it was yet another milestone completed!
Here are Grady's adoption journey milestone dates. These dates are so important to me. Adoption is such a special way to join a family.
9/17/07: We got Grady's referral from Deneice at Chinese Children Adoption International
9/24/07: After consulting with an international adoption doctor, we sent our Letter of Intent to adopt Grady to China
10/17/07: We were LID (logged in with our dossier to adopt Grady!)
10/18/07: We received Pre Approval to Adopt Grady
1/2/08: We received the Letter of Acceptance to adopt Grady
1/21/08: We received Travel Approval to go to China for Grady
2/13-2/28/08: We were in China to adopt Grady
12/5/08: We went to court for the adoption validation
I'm so happy that he is in our family and that he is making such strides in his development and attachment! I look forward to celebrating our first year family day in February!
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