I went in to the boys' room at 6 am to check on Grady and give him his pain medication. When I walked in, I saw that Jonah was asleep, but in the crib all I saw was the empty car seat and Grady's no nos (arm restraints) splayed across it. He had gotten out of the car seat and the no nos and was happily lying on his back with his hands in his mouth. This really scared me because the surgeon had warned us that the no nos had to be worn to ensure a good recovery. So, I picked him up and took him into Ryan. Ryan inspected him for damage while I went to retrieve the no nos. There was dried blood on his hands which makes us think that he had his hands in his mouth for awhile. The outside of his lip looked fine, but we were scared to check the inside because we thought that we might damage it by lifting it up to check. We're hoping it's ok.
Later that morning when the plastic surgery clinic opened, I called the nurse to tell her about the Great Escape. She just asked if it looked ok and I said that it did. So, hopefully it's fine. Then I asked her about how much I was supposed to be feeding him since we had so much trouble getting him to eat from the syringe when we were home on Wednesday. She asked me how much he usually drank before the surgery and I told her that he had baby food and 24-27 ounces a day of formula. So, she said that we should be aiming for 24-27 ounces of formula a day. Nice.
Jonah had a playdate planned for Thursday. Some friends were taking him to the Museum of Nature and Science. Unfortunately, one of them got sick. Jonah was pretty disappointed about not being able to go, so I ended up taking him (we have a membership to that museum) while Ryan stayed home on formula feeding duty. We did manage to get some more formula in Grady that day.
Grady was feeling much better on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and was much more into playing. We all even went to a playdate with our playgroup at the park on Friday. Here's some pictures.
Honestly, this surgery recovery is really good for attachment purposes. We have of course been working on attachment since China. Children from orphanages have trouble attaching to their families because they might not know how to depend on adults for comfort. He has to depend on us for comfort, rocking, feeding, etc. and he seems to appreciate us even more than he did before the surgery. I was really, really nervous about this surgery recovery, but much like the adoption process, it has been much easier than I expected. Therapy and helping him learn things has been much more challenging for me than surgery. And it is a challenge that I truly enjoy.
The awesome plastic surgeon called on Friday night at 8 pm to check to see how Grady was. It was so nice and so totally above the call of duty! I was in the boys' room trying to help them with going to sleep (I was unsuccessful....Jonah ended up reading to Grady from his bed of his own accord which put them to sleep for which I was so grateful. What an awesome big brother!!!!) Ryan talked to the surgeon and asked if it would be ok for us to feed Grady with the bottle since eating and sleeping have been the major challenges post surgery. The surgeon said that creating suction would disturb the suture. However, Grady never has had suction or used any special cleft feeders. He uses regular baby bottles with a wide cut nipple. He just chews the nipple on the non- cleft side and gets the formula down his throat that way. His lip doesn't even close all the way. So, the surgeon said that we could feed him with a bottle if there was no suction. That has made things much easier, although sleep is still a little bit difficult since Grady wishes that he could put his hands in his mouth.
Tomorrow, Ryan is taking Grady to get his stitches removed. I will be taking Jonah to his first ever dentist visit. Apparently, we are a doctor- going family!! :)
Happy Father's Day to everyone!
1 comment:
You must have been horrified to find his hands in his mouth. This recovery thing is not for the faint of heart. I'm so glad that he's coming through it and is getting his stitches out.
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