After that, we were stationed right near the desk. So, we were right there when they said it was time to go see Grady in the recovery room (where people go to recover from being under general anesthesia). It took us awhile to gather up the pile of technology (computer, IPod, etc.). By the time we got back there, we could hear our little guy crying and he did look a lot different. He was also quite mad that he couldn't put his hands in his mouth due to the "no-nos" on his arms keeping him from bending his elbows. On top of that, he was quite hungry from not being able to eat since 6:30 am (we went back to the recovery room at 3:30pm. However, he was happy to have some apple juice. Here are some recovery room pictures:
Ryan and I just realized that we somehow didn't get any pictures of our overnight stay in the hospital room. Apparently we were too busy taking care of our boys. Anyway, Grady actually slept really well last night. Ryan rubbed his head (in his carseat in the hospital crib to keep his head elevated, which was good because he doesn't like sleeping in unfamiliar places) until he took Jonah home and then I rubbed his head for about an hour. He fell asleep at 9pm and amazingly stayed asleep until 3:15 am. (He even missed some pain medication and slept through some blood pressure checks, which is no small miracle.) He had his pain medication and fell back asleep again at 4:30 and stayed asleep until 6:30.
In the morning, the surgeon came by and was happy that he had been drinking some apple juice out of a syringe. We were discharged at 9:15 am. We came home to watch a Bug's Life.
After some sleep, Grady was actually trying to play and read this afternoon.
We're all pretty exhausted and after this morning, Grady has been much more resistant to having formula, juice, or water out of the syringe. In the morning, I'm going to call the plastic surgery department to find out how many ounces he is supposed to have every day to know what to work toward. If anyone wants to pray that he will get the nourishment that he needs for recovery and that the rest of us won't snap at each other out of exhaustion, that would be greatly appreciated.
Jonah played in the backyard today, went to swim lessons, and tomorrow a friend is taking him to a museum. We are so lucky to have such great friends to help us here so we can focus on Grady. For that, we are very grateful.
Grady will be getting his outside stitches removed on Monday and will stay in the "no-nos" for about two weeks. I'll update more later.
Hey Katie! I have enjoyed catching up on your blog tonight. :) Grady looks great after his surgery and you all are troopers. Hope his recovery goes well!
Well that came out funny because he looked great before his surgery too! LOL I meant that it looks like he is doing well in your good care. :) Actually I noticed in another post you said you were going to miss his big open smile and I thought the same thing before I read that, wondering if you would sort of miss his old grin. Sophie lost her 2 front teeth very unexpectedly and early (age 4 in a fall) and I was so sad to see that baby smile be replaced by a big girl smile. Of course, we adjusted and now love her silly toothless grin but its funny how we miss things like that. :)
I am so glad Grady's surgery went so well. I hope he adjusts to his eating soon!
I have wondered how you all were doing lately. (We met in your travel group in Beijing as well as Guangzhou.) I'm glad you are still blogging. It is good that Grady is doing better than he was in China.
We think of you all often and wish you the best.
It was nice meeting you. Keep in touch,
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